Did you know you can use Northeastern Oregon Public Transit to get to Fresh Alliance?

I spoke with Angie Peters, who sent me plenty of great information.  

Here is how it works:

If you are able, you can take the bus:

“Pioneer Park is unfortunately a bit removed from the Fixed Route bus line, so there are two stops that are two formal stops that are “close” to the park but are still a bit of a hike to the  food site. Because of this NEOPT recommends a flag stop (meaning they ask the bus driver to stop even though it is not a formal bus stop) at the corner of 2nd street and Grandy avenue because this would shorten their walk to  4/10 of a mile. For getting a ride back this would mean they would need to be on the right side of 2nd street (when heading toward Adams avenue) by 40 minutes after the hour to flag the bus down for boarding.”

If you can’t take the bus, you might still be able to use NEOPT:

People who are eligible for Paratransit (dial-a-ride services) have something that precludes them from using the bus.  This can be a broad range of things, but many times is a physical or mental disability. They would fill out an application for services with Northeastern Oregon Public Transit (and get up to 21 days of presumptive eligibility while their case is considered.)

If approved (or during their presumptive eligibility state) it cost $2 a ride to use the service, so to go to and from the food site would cost $4.

In order to arrange a ride passengers need to call by 3 pm the day before. NEOPT’s services run 7:30 am to 5:30 pm on weekdays, but ride scheduling  (where a passenger is guaranteed a ride) stops at 3 pm. The passenger could still attempt to schedule a ride after 3 pm but if there is no driver available NEOPT will decline the ride.

Here is the Northeastern Public Transit (NEOPT) website so you can check it out: